The Sydney Playground Project has received funding for its work from the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) and Australian Research Council (ARC). The NHMRC and ARC provided a 3-year project grant for the research done in 2011 through, and again from 2014 to 2017.
The NHMRC funding supports research across
the full spectrum of health and medical research,
from basic science through to clinical, public
health and health services research, and is the
leading Australian body for providing advice
on ethical behaviour in health care and in the
conduct of health and medical research.
The ARC is a Commonwealth entity that
advises the Australian government on
research matters, plays an important role in the
provision of government support for research in
Australia and delivers policy and programmes that
advance Australian research and innovation globally and benefit the community.
Written informed consent was received from all schools, staff, students and parents involved in the study. The research is performed in accordance with the ethical standards of the University and the revised (2000) Helsinki Declaration. Ethical approval was obtained from the Human Research Ethics Committee at the University of Sydney (2014/155). This trail has been registered with the Australian and New Zealand Clinical Trial Registry.