The Sydney Playground Project is a multidisciplinary research project, based upon play and the many benefits associated with outdoor, non-structured play. The project aims to provide opportunities for adults and children to practice promoting and engaging in manageable risk taking in the context of social, creative and active play.
The project comprises of two parts:
A variety of ‘loose part’ materials, with no apparent play purpose, are introduced into the school playground. Examples of these items include: car tyres, milk crates, bread crates, buckets, crash mats, conduit piping and pool noodles.
Check out our Photo Album to see examples of the way in which some children use these items, and just how much fun they are having!
Problem-solving ‘risk reframing’ workshops are held with parents and teachers exploring beliefs around manageable risk taking for children.
Follow the tabs on the left of this page to learn more about how the Sydney Playground Project began, and where it’s headed in the future.